Cutting Edge Services
We offer diverse technology and expert consulting services.
Biometric Technology Deployments
We have developed mobile, energy-efficient biometric solutions to suit small and large scale deployments. Our cutting edge applications integrate seamlessly with client’s payroll and other enterprise systems.
Time & Attendance Systems
Our Time and Attendance systems are rugged, modular and can be operated in remote areas with poor network coverage. These systems replace the traditional hardcover notebooks which are prone to abuse and manipulation.
Networks & Firewall Deployments
We design and deploy secure and scalable networks together with firewalls for clients. Using industry best standards we ensure the best Return on Investment (ROI) for clients.
Document Management Systems Solutions
Our paperless office solutions combine the use of scanners and smart applications to chop heaps of paper files info easy to use and process electronic data. This data is then distributed to executives on their laptops, tablets and smart phones on the go.
PCI Solutions
We provide services to ensure that financial data is processed, transmitted and stored in a manner that protects it’s confidentiality, integrity and availability. We help clients develop processes and systems that ensure staff treat sensitive data with the care it deserves.
Training Services
We offer training services on most aspects of data security and networking. This we believe is necessary to produce the workforce to deploy the internet of things.
Consulting Services
We offer consulting services for clients who have complex IT projects and would want the best hands to manage them.